Apple reportedly to sell iPhone 5 cases later this month

Apple reportedly to sell iPhone 5 cases later this month
iPhone 5 owners looking for cases at their local Apple store may finally see some in the next couple of weeks.Apple-approved third-party cases could reach store shelves the week of October 22, multiple sources reportedly told 9to5Mac. Though that time frame could change, the cases should at least appear by the end of October.Best iPhone 5S and iPhone 5 cases (pictu...See full gallery1 - 4 / 93NextPrevThe iPhone 5 hit stores almost three weeks ago, but Apple has been slow in stocking cases, screen covers, and other accessories.Why the delay? Apple has to certify and approve every product sold in its stores, including those from third parties. And that process can be a lengthy one.A salesman at my local Apple store told me last week that he expects cases to arrive within the next two or three weeks. He also explained Apple's need to ensure that every product sold in its stores meets a certain standard and level of quality.Related storiesiPhone 5 case roundup from A-ZNew iPhone 5 case offers to fix purple flaresThe most obnoxious iPhone 5 case?Finally, the iPhone we've always wanted Of course, plenty of other retailers have been carrying cases for the iPhone 5.I bought a case for the new phone at a third-party store. It serves the purpose of protecting the phone's new aluminum siding from scuff marks, a complaint among many iPhone 5 owners. But I usually find a more varied and higher-quality collection of cases at the Apple store.And though I can always buy one online, I prefer to shop in a brick-and-mortar outlet where I can try out the cases to find the right one.Apple's retail stores are also behind in carrying Lightning adapters and other products compatible with the new interface. Apple has reportedly just started shipping the new Lighting to 30-pin adapters to people who ordered them online. The company's Web site now lists the ship date for the new adapter as two to three weeks.This content is rated TV-MA, and is for viewers 18 years or older. Are you of age?YesNoSorry, you are not old enough to view this content.Play